Course Overview

By the end of the course, learners will:

  • Have the knowledge and confidence to articulate what the desired impact is for their research

  • Have what they need to create a rudimentary impact plan and the habits and behaviour required to realise it

  • Be in a good position to request support from their academic or professional service colleagues to take these plans to the next stage

Course curriculum

Integrating Impact into your Everyday

    1. Task 1: Preparation

    2. Task 2: Make a list

    3. Task 3: Interrogate your list

    4. Task 4: Who is involved?

    5. [Optional] Defining What Impact Means (if you don't know!)

    1. Task 1: Motivation

    2. Task 2: Variety of Impact

    3. Task 3: Impact in your discipline

    1. Task 1: Begin with the end in mind

    2. Task 2: Who else is out there?

    3. Task 3: How invested are you?

    4. Task 4: And Pause

    5. Task 5: Varied Viewpoints

    6. Task 6: Tick Tock

    1. Task 1: What is a stakeholder?

    2. Task 2: Identify your stakeholders

    3. Task 3: Opposing views

    4. Task 4: Make Contact

    1. Task1 : Your network is your strength

    2. Task 2: Inspiration is all around you

    3. Task 3: Plan do review repeat

About this course

  • £125.00
  • 21 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Hi, I am Saskia, your course instructor

I have worked with academic researchers for more than 17 years on impact, creating strategies to embed policies and practices to maximise opportunities for research impact. Designed for early to mid-career researchers, researchers new to the UK and experienced researchers who want to refresh their impact skills and knowledge, this course encompasses my experience and learning from working with 100s of researchers and distils it into easily digestible steps that you can use to build impact into your research.
Saskia Walcott

Here's what former students have to say...

“Saskia is so clear! The videos are really nicely pitched and so well presented. It's like having a friend working with you to think through impact as a whole. ”

Matthew Jarvis, Aberystwyth University

“Really clear video content in each of the modules which you can move through at your own pace, reflecting on your current projects and planning for impact. ”

Susan Grant, University of Glasgow

“The videos were clear and concise, and the worksheets were so helpful that I’m planning on using them at the start of every project from now on. ”

Ann-Marie Foster, Northumbria University

“The course facilitator was warm and respectful. She spoke clearly and this invited you to listen and to participate. ”

Kay Heslop, Northumbria University

“I really enjoyed the tasks which broke down the concept and helped me work out how I could look to incorporate ideas at all stages of my research project to create impact. ”

Karen Wood, University of Glasgow

“I think the case studies were amazing. It really brought the message home. ”

Alejandra Aranceta-Garza, The University of Dundee

“The way in which the course is structured is well thought through and effective in supporting researchers to think about and start planning the impact aspects of their work. ”

Anwen Elias, Aberystwyth University

“It really was a breath of fresh air and allowed me to take a step back from my work and look at it from a different angle - that of how it has real impact. ”

Dr Cat Walker, The Researchery (independent consultancy)

"The Impact Integrators course is the first course of its kind. It covers everything a researcher needs to know to design and execute their research and engagement to deliver impact, and is suitable for all disciplines and career stages.”

Professor Mark Reed, Fast Track Impact

Current clients

Aberystwyth University
University of Bath
Leeds Beckett University
Solent University
Teeside University